Monday, August 10, 2009

Salad Innovations

It actually feels like summer in San Francisco today. The heat inspires me to eat light, lots of fruit and veggies. It also inspires me to drink Sangria, but that's another story...

So I threw this salad together with some random veggies that were laying around the kitchen.

I tried a couple of things that I've never done before and they turned out great:

Raw broccoli, chopped up finely, and mixed with the greens.
It gave the mix a nice texture and bite, and made the salad feel heartier.

Seasoned Seeded Tomatoes
I think I've mentioned before that I like to take the seeds out of my tomatoes, I think they taste better that way.
Today I rubbed them with salt and chili powder, it was delicious!

The salad also has walnuts and blue cheese in it. The blue cheese didn't go that well with the seasoned tomatoes, I think I'd leave it out next time, maybe an aged, sharper cheese would go better.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Looks delish. Very well done photo, too.